Join the OneKitty Community
We invite you to join our community of individuals who believe in the power of collective contributions. With OneKitty, you can create, share, and achieve your financial goals with the support of those who matter most to you. Together, we can make dreams come true.
Learn more about using onekitty
Creating a Kitty on OneKitty
Create Your Contribution Group

Click Me
- Copy the WhatsApp group link of the contribution group you created.
- Visit or download our app from the Play Store (for Android users).
Fill in Kitty Details

Click Me
- Provide the kitty details, including the name, end date, beneficiary account, and kick-start your contribution journey.
Paste WhatsApp Group Link

Click Me
- Paste the WhatsApp group link you copied earlier.
- Check the WhatsApp group to view the OneKitty bot, which will assist with your contribution process.
Contributing to the Kitty (Participants)
Make Your Contribution

Click Me
- The bot will prompt you to visit the link sent in your WhatsApp contribution group.
- Click the link to be redirected to the contribution page.
- Fill in the required details, including your name, phone number, amount, payment channel (MPESA is the default). You can choose from 1.MPESA, 2.T-Kash, 3.SasaPay, 4.Airtel Money, or any other preferred option.
- Submit your contribution.
Complete Payment

Click Me
- An STK push will be initiated. Fill out the provided credentials and send your contribution.
Track Your Contribution

Click Me
- Check your WhatsApp contribution group to view your contribution updates automatically.
- You can see your name, the contributed amount, and the total contributions made. This update is provided for every contribution.
Kitty Completion

Click Me
- Upon reaching the set end date, the money will be automatically transferred to the beneficiary's account without delay.
- The kitty will be automatically closed.