OneKitty Refund and Cancellation Policy

OneKitty is committed to providing a transparent and user-friendly experience. Our refund and cancellation policy covers various scenarios involving contributions, Chama kitties, and event kitties. Please review the details below to understand how refunds and cancellations are handled.

1. Refunds

a. Platform Fees

Non-Refundable: Platform fees charged by OneKitty are non-refundable once a transaction has been processed. This includes fees for Contribution Kitties (2.5%), Chama Kitties (2%), and Event Kitties (5%).

b. Contributions

  • Contribution Kitties and Chama Kitties: Refunds for individual contributions are subject to the specific rules and agreements set by each group. OneKitty does not directly handle refunds for individual contributions. Members seeking refunds should contact their group administrators.

  • Event Kitties: If an event is canceled, contributors may receive refunds based on the group’s decision. The platform fee is non-refundable.

2. Cancellations

a. Event Kitties

  • Cancellation by Organizers: If an event is canceled by the organizers, the platform fee remains non-refundable. However, the collected funds (minus the platform fee) can be refunded to contributors based on the group's decision.

  • Contributor Cancellation: If a contributor wishes to cancel their contribution to an event, they must contact the event organizer. Refund eligibility will depend on the event organizer’s policy.

b. Contribution Kitties and Chama Kitties

  • Group Cancellations: Cancellations and related refunds for Contribution Kitties and Chama Kitties are subject to the rules and agreements established by the respective groups. Members should communicate with their group administrators for cancellation procedures and potential refunds.

  • Individual Cancellations: If a member wishes to withdraw their contribution, they must follow the group's specific guidelines. OneKitty does not directly process these cancellations.

3. Special Circumstances

a. Fraud or Unauthorized Transactions

If you suspect fraudulent or unauthorized transactions, please contact OneKitty support immediately. We will investigate and take appropriate action, which may include refunding affected contributions.

b. Technical Issues

In the event of a technical issue that affects contributions or withdrawals, OneKitty will address the problem promptly. Refunds related to technical issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

4. How to Request a Refund or Cancellation

  • Contact Group Administrators: For refunds or cancellations related to Contribution Kitties or Chama Kitties, please contact your group administrator directly.

  • Contact Event Organizers: For event-related refunds or cancellations, reach out to the event organizer.

  • Contact OneKitty Support: For issues related to platform fees, fraud, or technical problems, please contact our support team at

5. Timeframe for Processing Refunds

  • Standard Processing Time: Refunds, where applicable, will typically be processed within 7-14 business days after approval by the group administrator or event organizer.

  • Delays: In certain cases, processing times may be longer due to bank or mobile money service provider delays.

For any further assistance or questions about our refund and cancellation policy, please reach out to our support team at We are here to help.